
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Interview with Bruce Fottler, author of Paladin's Odyssey

This week, Bruce Fottler, author of post-apocalyptic thriller Paladin's Odyssey, answers those tricky Speculative Fiction Showcase interview questions...

Apple or PC?

PC all the way. Nothing against Apple, but I've spent too many years in corporate finance positions where PC's were always used (while creating new cover-sheets for TPS reports). These days I'm no longer cool enough to own an Apple. They watch out for people like me at the Apple stores. I'm never allowed inside.

Do you use Scrivener or Word?

Neither. I use OpenOffice. The price was right.

Do you have any pets? Do they influence your writing?

We rescued a pure white cat from our local shelter last year. Her name is Isis, which is an unfortunate name to have these days. She's very pretty, but not very smart and spoiled rotten. When I see her lounging around like royalty, it motivates me to get writing, promoting, or just do something.

Would you rather see your stories on the big screen or the little screen?

Big screen, for sure. Back in high school, my buddy and I were aspiring film-makers nicknamed “Lucas and Spielberg.” We thought we were destined to someday make the next summer blockbuster movie. But sadly, for every future Lucas and Spielberg, there are hundreds of hopefuls (like us) that never make it. So now I write my stories as though they might someday make it to the big screen. Hey, I can still dream.

Are you hooked on any of the shows on the sci-fi channel? If so, which one(s)?

I loved Battlestar Galactica (remake, not original), SG-1, and yes, even SGA. These days I hardly tune in to sci-fi, or “SyFy” as it's now known. I lost interest once they misspelled their name and shifted their focus to reality shows & wrestling. Sad, it's sort of like how MTV stopped playing music videos.

Do you own copies of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings DVDs? The extended version? Do you ever watch them?

I own the extended version and think these movies rank among the best ever made. I've watched them too many times to count, mostly because my sons (and their cousins) used to watch them over and over again. If DVD's could wear out, ours must be pretty close. I wonder, do they come with a lifetime warranty?

Have you seen the first two parts of the The Hobbit? Are you planning to see the final installment?

I've seen both Hobbit movies, and my youngest son will probably try to drag me to an opening night showing of the third installment. I think they're pretty good, but it's hard to top the LOTR movies.

Are you a Luddite? Or do you prefer to be on the bleeding edge of technology?

I still place closer to the bleeding edge of technology. When I was younger, I though technology was too far behind. I'd dream of having what we have today. However, as I get older, technology seems to race further and further ahead of me. Someday I'll probably turn to the Luddite side, once Skynet tries to nuke us all.

Are you--or have you ever been--a gamer?

Nope, I never got addicted to that. Now I get to play the old-fashioned parent trying to pry his kids away from video games to do their homework.

Have you ever been to Starbucks?

Actually, never. I much prefer Dunkin' Donuts. Yeah, I know those are fightin' words to some.

Coffee or Tea or Water?

Coffee! Caffeine is an essential nutrient for writers.

Espresso, Drip, Instant, or French Press?

Um,.. Mr. Coffee?

Do you wear socks?

Only when they're clean and match something I'm wearing. My wife trained me well.

What are you wearing right now?

Mostly? A spoiled white cat who thinks she owns my lap, and her fur that shed all over my clothes.

Does life fascinate you?

I don't know how one could be a writer if it didn't.

Do you recycle?

Perhaps too much. Wait, you're talking about writing, right?

Author bio: 
Since exiting a finance career in a world of cubicles, Bruce Fottler has been busy writing novels. His latest is the post-apocalyptic thriller: Paladin's Odyssey.

Bruce grew up in the Chicago suburbs and moved to the Boston area as a young teen. While seeking a career-track that mostly put him behind a desk, he dabbled in creative pursuits such as producing, writing, and directing film shorts. However, it was always writing novels that interested him the most because they aren't limited by production budgets, technical capabilities, or tight shooting schedules.
Bruce has three other published novels: Chasing Redemption (Sci-fi thriller), Dover Park (Mystery), and The Juncture (Time-travel drama).

Amazon Author Page:

Goodreads Author Page:

Link to Paladin's Odyssey on Amazon: http//

Paladin's Odyssey Facebook Page:

Bonus! Enter a Goodreads giveaway to win one of two signed copies of Paladin's Odyssey (Ends December 17th):

Please also note that Paladin's Odyssey is free through Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime.

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