
Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Torrent (The New Agenda Book 4) by Simone Pond

Release date: June 30, 2015
Sub-genre, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Genetic Engineering

About The Torrent:

Grace has survived Chief Morray’s attempt to keep her trapped inside the mainframe, but at a terrible cost: leaving her mother behind. Giving up training at the academy in order to wait for Ava’s return. Grace wants to do the right thing, but it’s never that simple. While Ava struggles against Morray in the virtual reality, Grace is left alone in the real world to fight her own battles. There’s a new corrupt authority figure. A regional council to sway. A war to stop. And a promise to keep to a precious young soul. How can Grace save everyone, including herself? 

The Torrent is Book 4 in Simone Pond's dystopian Science Fiction series, The New Agenda.
Book 1 of the series, The City Center, is currently free from Amazon. The series is available in Kindle and Paperback format.


Ava loved classic films from the twentieth century. The art form had died centuries ago with the Repatterning, but when she lived inside the Los Angeles City Center, she’d get films off the dark market. It was worth the risk of getting caught for breaking Morray’s strict rules. After the walls came down, she made sure to instill classic films back into culture—one of her smaller, but more satisfying, contributions when she worked on the council. She didn’t like the city, but she enjoyed taking her daughter to see a movie once or twice a month in New Los Angeles. That was before Grace turned into a teenager, when hanging out with her mother was still fun. When the theater lights would lower and the screen filled up with endless possibilities of new adventures, Grace’s eyes would dance. She missed their special bonding moments. She missed everything about Grace.
“That was a good one.” Morray’s voice broke into her thoughts. 
“Barefoot in the Park.”
“Mm hmm. Always loved watching characters overcome their greatest obstacles within a two-hour time frame. Gave me such hope.”
“I was obsessed with the classics when I was younger. Audrey Hepburn was my dream girl,” he said.
“Roman Holiday is my favorite!” Ava’s enthusiasm shocked her, but she was happy to finally talk about something they could agree upon.
Morray stared at Ava, a longing in his eyes. “After the Repatterning things changed. I didn’t have time for movies.” 
“Hard to find time when you’re destroying the world, huh?”
“That’s simply not true.”
“Your denial is astounding . . .” 
“You saw my archives. I didn’t destroy anything. Why do you continue to badger me?”
“Back off.” She shoved him away and took a step back.
He moved in closer and poked the top of her head. “I know you’re an obstinate one, but for once, I’d like you to get this straight: I never wanted to annihilate anything. That was my father’s master plan. He and his bastard elites were the ones who implemented the Repatterning and the New Agenda. I wanted to fix what he broke.”
“You could’ve stopped it, Morray. Locked up the elites and let them die off instead of doling out life extensions.” 
“I didn’t have a choice.” His voice turned sharp. “The elites held Phoenix over my head.”
“But Phoenix died so early on. You could’ve ended it then.”
“You think just because he died they wouldn’t go after his family, his bloodline? I had to protect them. Who knows, your precious Joseph might be of his decent.”
Ava didn’t want to think about her husband possibly having traces of Morray’s genes. “Okay, I guess your effort to protect the Outsiders was a noble cause. But there was still Ret-Hav––your glorious retirement package that included experiments on anyone who no longer fit into your system.”
“Yes, I admit, I got carried away with that one. But my intentions were always to advance society. To make things better.”
“By destroying life.” 
He rubbed his temples. “I rebuilt a new society. And with Dickson’s assistance, we created new life. I didn’t take it. We’ve been over this enough. Will you please let it go?”
Anger roared in Ava’s ears as she remembered the irrevocable acts against thousands of innocent city center residents. He was asking her to let it go? She wanted to pummel Morray to the ground. “Never.” She sneered.

For the chance to win a free set of ebooks of the complete series, please to sign up to Simone's mailing list here. Simone will pick the winner at random!

About Simone Pond:

As a young girl, Simone Pond loved writing in her journal and making up stories, but after reading S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders, everything changed. Amazed that a woman could write so convincingly from a teenage boy's perspective, Pond became determined to become a writer as well.

In 2013, Pond released The City Center, the first book in her dystopian fiction series. A fast-paced tale of love and adventure that will appeal to young adults and seasoned readers alike. The second book in the series, The New Agenda, was published in May of 2014. The City Center and The New Agenda are best sellers in Amazon's post-apocalyptic science fiction category, and The City Center was the recipient of a Gold Medal from Readers' Favorite Awards. The third book in the series, The Mainframe, released in December 2014. 

Pond currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their Boston Terrier. Learn more about her and her writing at her blog, Simone Says...

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