
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Guest post: More Spooky Stuff Amid the Rubble by A.E. Williams

Today we have one in our occasional series of guest blogs by our regular A.E. Williams, who looks at the present and future with a satirical eye, and here pays tribute to a good friend. As always, all views are the author's own.

More Spooky Stuff Amid the Rubble

 “What I hadn’t foreseen was just how accurate I was going to be!”


COVID19, huh?

And, Defund the Police.

And, wow, that economic thing…

“The ensuing chaos will make Venezuela’s troubles seem insignificant by comparison.”

So – are we living in a constantly-changing parallel dimensional flux, or is everything just going crazy for no reason at all?

Speculative fiction tends to wander around a bit, kissing fantasy on the cheek, and occasionally giving romance a hug, and even once in a while, rubbing against mystery or thrillers.  At its core, spec-fic, and by extension, sci-fi, are cautionary tales, or morality plays or some manner of warning against human hubris or ego. From “Frankenstein” to “Oedipus Rex,”[1] from “When World’s Collide” to “Elysium,” the warnings are writ large, in flaming letters ten miles high.


Or else.

And, if we mere mortals DO dare to spit in the face of the gods, if we try to reach for the stars, to climb Mount Olympus, or to have relations with our relatives, then the consequences come into play and Mankind is duly smited.[2]

No, the gods don’t like to be challenged, nor ignored. We do so at our own peril. Indeed, one might say that it is risky to NOT be religious.[3]

So, when mankind pulls some kind of collective boner, we are punished, as whole, by some form of Act of God.™

Now, recently, this has been taking the form of tsunamis, wildfires, locust swarms, cicada uprisings, solar flares and plague. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are, even if they are not jumping into their saddles as of yet, are at least taking off the feedbags from their mounts in anticipation of a rousing gallop toward oblivion, with utter devastation and confusion the order of the day.

As you are painfully aware, I have been known to poke fun at global warming and other apocalyptic scenarios, using science, and I see no reason to stop now.

So, let’s take a long, sharp stick, just recently removed from a roaring fire, and shove it into the face of adversity!


So. Coronavirus. COVID.

What did this wonderful event teach us so far?

From whence did it spring? Is it really just another version of the 1918 Spanish Flu? Was it cooked up in a lab in Wuhan, China? Why does it seem ‘selective,’ to the degree it does? How come the entire planet isn’t rife with it? Did Stephen King have an inside track on this when he wrote “The Stand?” What about “Contagion?” Was it somehow a warning about Event 201?[4]

Did it inspire certain science fiction authors to write some appropriate stories about post-apocalyptic worlds?[5]


I find that the timing of this particular viral event seems a mite suspicious to me.

If one were appropriately paranoid (or if one’s tinfoil fedora has slipped a bit), they might ascribe this to some Deep State Psy-Op to discredit the current resident of the Oval Office.

I mean, heck, the economy was doing SO well, and everything was becoming SO orderly, what with North Korea ceasing its nuclear missile programs, and the oil war between China and Russia calming down, and gas prices were at their lowest in years, not to mention unemployment rates, and Wall Street, and…

What’s that? Yes, you in the back, waving that burning American flag.

You think my analysis is too ‘rosy?’ That I am, perhaps, a jingoistic patriot of the scoundrel kind, a closet racist, gender-biased TERF[6] and gunrunner, not to mention probably alcoholic?

May I respectfully observe that I did not personally cause any virus outbreak, racial disharmony, or cessation of polyamoratic celebrations of which I am aware.[7]

Nor am I any kind of proponent of violence. I actually have a controversial stance wherein I feel that the police departments of our country should be DISARMED of ALL lethal weapons.

I find it problematic that the ability to dispense death is so readily available, and executed.[8] Surely, in our advanced civilization that has regained the ability to launch astronauts into orbit from Florida once more, there are some clever millennials who can create methods of disabling stupid people who won’t follow orders from uniformed thugs. All without physically harming anyone, right?

Why should anyone fear being stopped while going on their merry way, if a bit enthusiastically, velocity-wise, down the common thoroughfares of which their very own tax offerings have been made possible? And, if prohibited from legally transiting the God-given highways of ‘Murica because their conveyance sports a decorative symbol from a long-ago civil conflict, should they then be summarily placed under arrest and then exterminated for non-compliance?

These are vexing questions indeed. Better science fiction authors than I have attempted to make some sense of them. Some have even succeeded in providing entertaining scenarios.[9]

I will say that I find it amusing and terrifying, the ease with which otherwise rational people caved to the hysterical demand for wearing masks and ‘social distancing.’[10] That the federal government was able to so rapidly shut down the economy of the entire country, and convince other countries to follow our lead was astonishing. I thought everyone hated America?

Seriously, how did this come to pass with so little discourse. It was as if we all went to bed one night and woke the next morning as the aliens were attacking. And, Trump is certainly no Bill Pullman!


Hot on the trail of the economic shutdown came the Notorious Toilet Paper crisis.[11] This may not exactly map to famine, seeing as, in order to utilize TP for one’s bunghole, it is necessary to eat, and eating is the antithesis of famine.

However, as a good aficionado of all things speculative fiction, I must point out that the cost of food and other goods has been irrevocably changed by this pandemic.

Those who tend to preparational activities smirked knowingly, restocked some specific supplies, and cleaned our various personal – ‘security devices.’ They watched as the nation embraced their ‘paranoid fantasy’ world wholeheartedly, and began to discover the kind of things with which they have had to contend for some time.

Sales of emergency rations have skyrocketed, guns are literally flying off the shelves of all sporting goods stores, and ammunition is pricey and scarce. It hasn’t been like this since 2009! [12]Or 2012![13] Or 2016[14], for that matter!

Hmmm. One must ask if this is by design - to sell guns, germs and steel, or food, or what? If nothing else, it must be good for the economy. Someone has to pay for all of those 40,000,000 recently furloughed ‘funployees.’[15]


India and China seem hell-bent on starting something, don’t they?

Oh, wait. You thought I was going to elucidate you on Boogaloo terminology, right?



The BLM vs ANTIFA vs ACLU vs SCOTUS vs POLICE vs The Undertaker.

Google it yourself. I told you I am out of ‘F’s.


Well, we’ve slouched 'round at last to the Big D. It is no surprise that we are all heading towards this final destination, right?

It’s a morbid subject, and the numbers of the dead being attributed to COVID keep climbing.

It’s the Circle of Life, but almost no one wants to take that step.

Still, it is inevitable. And it is ever-present.

We find some value in recognizing it when it brushes against it. It comforts us to know it is a universal experience. Yet, we create intricate ways to spread it around.

A paradox.

Still, in Death, there is Hope. Hope for a better place. Hope to dream of worlds only touched upon by our minds, as we weave tales of other worlds and situations.

And, it always gets personal…

So, I would like to point this out in a more personal manner, if you would kindly entertain a loony old bird.

A good friend of mine, and the artist who created the covers for “Terminal Reset” and “Rocket Surgeon” passed away on March 22, of this year.

I met Steve Polyanchek when I was a teenaged Star Trek fan, and we were screening films for an amateur science fiction contest at a Star Trek Fans of Florida[16] convention way back in like 1973. This was prior to ‘Star Wars.’

Steve’s entry was “Terror by Daylight.” It was judged by none other than George Takei, and a few other notables. He received Honorable Mention.

That group of people, including Rick Coy, John Ellis, Howard Goldberg, Ken Mitchroney, Larry McHugh, Don Phillips and I became involved in building an active community of creatives. Our talents took us many strange places.

Some of them, including Don, Ken and John, went on to minor greatness in Hollywood.[17]
Steve and I managed to stay in the area the longest, and therefore, had a longer interaction. Over the years, Steve made videos, graphics and websites with me, and we always had each other’s back.

Around 2006, I had some grave personal issues and Steve was there for me. If it weren’t for him, and many other friends such as he, you would not be reading this.

Steve also was a devout and spiritual person, and also an excellent musician.

He had a Facebook following, and many of his fans wrote heartfelt reviews and sent their gratitude to him for his insights and advice.

Steve is going to be missed.

But I know in my heart he is doing the work of the Universe, assuring that Peace and Tranquility are being manifested in whatever dimensions he now dwells.

Fair winds and good sailing, my friend.

See you on the other side.

A.E. Williams
High Springs, Florida
June 17, 2020

[1] Oh, and you think that Pornhub’s recent escalation of incest porn is a ‘happy accident?’ Or maybe you want to argue that this classic is NOT fictional? Nor speculative? I’ll wait…
[2] ‘Smitten’ is definitely not the correct word, here. Nor is ‘smote.’ And, FUTA, while ostensibly correct, is vulgar. Especially in the absence of cloaca lubricant.
[3] Which religion to follow is not in my wheelhouse…
[5] Could be!
[6] I identify as a ‘Real Man®’ for one thing…
[7] Okay, so you’ve got me on the gunrunning, and I do like my bourbon. Say, how would you like to go target shooting? Yeah? Great! Hang on a second… oh, here they are! Put on these rabbit ears, and go about a hundred yards yonder and make rabbit noises. What’s that? Oh, we are definitely going to be doing some wabbit hunt… I mean, ‘target shooting,’ you betcha! Go on, now! Git on outta here while I light my cheroot and load my AR.
[8] Sorry, bad pun.
[9] I speak here of Ayn Rand, Robert Heinlein and Philip K Dick, not Margaret Atwood. A slight digression, and pardon my long-winded opinion of “The Handmaid’s Tale” here… I read the book, and saw the movie with Faye Dunaway and Robert Duvall. While it didn’t exactly light my fire regarding feminism, (having daughters did that), it was passable entertainment. UNTIL the miniseries or whatever it is called now. There’s been a tendency recently to mix political correctness and gender and race shaming rhetoric into a lot of recent media. (“Space Force” so far has resisted it mightily, but I think it is just waiting until Season Two to drop the hammer.) One of the things that spec fic has going for it is the unregulated and willing suspension of belief. We hand-wave Faster-Than-Light spaceships, time travel and a myriad of other impossible things, because it moves the story along. But here comes some PC diatribe that’s only merit is to upset the status-quo applecart by pissing off as many of the audience as it can afford. Seriously, “Atlas Shrugged,” the book, was a masterwork, regardless of your political affiliation, insofar as it constructed a believable world. Rand’s personal failings notwithstanding, I challenge anyone to write something as polarizing or prophetic in today’s insult-averse climate. Even the filmed versions at least try to adhere to the spirit of the book. Contrast it with “The Fountainhead,” for example. But, Atwood’s grim vision of a world where sterilization has occurred, and pregnancy is orchestrated as an award for being ‘elite,’ was cynical in its first incarnation, and almost laughable as placed onscreen today. Of course, that’s just my opinion, man…
[10] Astute readers of this blog recognize I have been practicing ‘social distancing’ for quite a while.
[11] Still ongoing as I write this!
[12] Obama is coming for your guns craze…
[13] Mayan Calendar End of Days craze…
[14] Hillary is coming for your guns craze… do I sense a pattern here? Do you?
[15] My sympathy if you have lost a job, or know someone who has. I did, and also managed to land a decent gig. Simultaneously. Don’t ask… the worst part is knowing I probably would be making more money on UI…except this is Florida, and they have the absolute dregs of the bottom of the barrel in social services of any kind, and the insurance premiums here are astronomical. The good thing is a) I live on a farm and b) I don’t have any more you-know-what’s to give.
[16] This became the Star Trek Fans of Florida, or STFU! It didn’t mean what it means today, honest!
[17] Don Phillips was awarded a degree in Cinematography from Columbia University, and went on to be a cameraman and production director for one of Los Angeles premier television stations. John Ellis formed a company that provided practical and digital special effects for many films, including “Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow” and “The Matrix.” And, Ken does THIS.

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