
Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cora Goes to CoNZealand, the virtual 2020 Worldcon 

Next week, Cora will be at CoNZealand, the 78th Worldcon, which was supposed to take place in Wellington, New Zealand, but had to go virtual because of the corona virus pandemic.

If you're a member of CoNZealand, you can find Cora on the following panels:

The Evolution of Fanzines Format: Panel

29 Jul 2020, Wednesday 16:00 - 16:50 NZT, Programme Room 4 (Webinar)


Fanzines have been a beloved part of fandom for decades, and new ones are still springing up. What are the best new fanzines, and what classic fanzines are still putting out new content? Our panel of creators and enthusiasts discuss the relevance and importance of contemporary fanzines.

Chris Garcia (Team Journey Planet), Greg Hills (Aesir HeathCare), Cora Buhlert (M), Jeanne Mealy, Sarah Gulde

Come Time Travel with Me - 1965 Format: Panel

30 Jul 2020, Thursday 09:00 - 09:50 NZT, Programme Room 1 (Webinar)


Blast back to 1965: Beatlemania has seized the nation, the Great Society is on the rise, but southeast Asia and America's inner cities are in turmoil.

In geekdom, the Twilight Zone has just ended its five year run, The Outer Limits is off the air, but the Robinsons are about to get Lost in Space, and The Doctor is finishing his second season. Marvel and DC comics have growing stables of superhero teams, featuring a level of diversity and maturity never seen before. Anime is so new that the genre doesn't have a name yet. Tabletop wargaming has taken off. And at last year's World Science Fiction convention, a civil war violently split the fans.

Join award-winning SF author, Gideon Marcus, for a whirlwind trip through time: The space race, films, books, music, comics, politics, fashion -- we cover it all! You'll laugh, you'll learn,

and you’ll love it!

Lorelei Marcus (Galactic Journey), Gideon Marcus (Galactic Journey (and Journey Press) ), Cora Buhlert, Erica Frank (Galactic Journey (and Journey Press) ), Janice Marcus (Journey Press)

Cover Art Format: Panel

31 Jul 2020, Friday 09:00 - 09:50 NZT, Programme Room 3 (Webinar)


Let's be truthful: you do judge a book by its cover. Otherwise, why would we bother with beautiful cover art? We will talk about the purpose(s) of the art, cover design, matching art to the story, and

good (and maybe a few bad) examples of memorable book covers.

Cora Buhlert (M), Gideon Marcus (Galactic Journey (and Journey Press) ), John Picacio, Pablo Defendini (Fireside), Alyssa Winans

The Second Golden Age: SF of the 1960s Format: Panel

31 Jul 2020, Friday 11:00 - 11:50 NZT, Programme Room 2 (Webinar) (Programming)

There was an explosion of new good SF in the 1960s, with the emergence of great new writers, a number of short story venues that expanded the scope of the field, and a series of classic novels

that are still ranked as among the most important in the field's history.

Dr. Bradford Lyau (M), Robert Silverberg, Cora Buhlert, Dr. Jack Dann, Kathryn Sullivan

Translation: the Key to Open Doors to the Cultural Diversity in SFF Format: Panel

31 Jul 2020, Friday 12:00 - 12:50 NZT, Programme Room 2 (Webinar)


Translated SFF are one way of knowing different cultural backgrounds, and is getting more attention than before. Discussion will go around what is the good story to be translated, or what is the key factor in actually selecting stories to be translated, from the editor or translator point of view.

Wataru Ishigame (Tokyo Sogensha (Publisher)), Luis F. Silva, Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld

Magazine), Cora Buhlert (M), Silvia Brown (AHWA and CFSG member)

And don't forget to cheer on Cora at the Hugo Awards ceremony, where she is nominated for Best Fan Writer: 

Hugo Awards Ceremony

11:00, Saturday 1 Aug 2020 NZST (3 hours 30 minutes)

The biggest event of the convention. Join our toastmaster George R R Martin and special guests, as he presents the Hugo Award winners for 2019.

You can also find Cora in the Dealers' Hall, selling e-books.

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