
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Bolivian Incident (Hollis Whittaker, Book 2) by C.B. Shanahan


Release date: July 27, 2022
Subgenre: Supernatural thriller

About The Bolivian Incident:


An ancient medallion has turned ten-year-old Hollis Whittaker into the U.S. military's top target. Through the artifact, the boy shares a mind with an alien, and possesses the most advanced brain on the planet, capable of teleporting people through space and time.
A Native American woman, her grandfather, a computer nerd, the boy's best friend and an involuntary time traveler will do anything they can to help, but when Hollis' parents disappear, their plan to flee the country and relocate to Central America is scrapped.
Then a mysterious insect appears, followed by an old woman bearing another medallion. The Bolivian stranger has been endowed with different capabilities than Hollis. She tells him that he is unwittingly damaging spacetime and that the consequences could be disastrous.
Is the woman connected to a 1958 nuclear explosion in the Amazon Jungle? Can she help locate Hollis' parents? Can a ragtag band of misfits protect the boy against the mightiest military in the world? And what's all of this got to do with aliens?




“I can show you. I’ve trained it.” The girl held a finger out and looked back toward the direction from where she’d come. A moment later, a large insect landed, its tiny legs tickling the hairs of her finger. It was blue from some angles and green from others, with four wings and four eyes. A purple diamond dominated its back as its wings tucked in.
The men sat in shock, both admiring the bug as it rested on Angela’s finger. Carolas moved his eyes to Sacha for a second before looking back to the girl’s visitor. “Sacha, tell me, do you recognize this insect?”
“We have all manner of wildlife in Bolivia, but this is new to me. I do not believe I have seen anything like this before.”
“Angela,” Carolas asked, “how did you train this insect?”
“I don’t know. It just comes when I want it to.”
“May I?” Carolas reached a finger out, gentle and slow. He placed it in front of the bug, nudging it as one might a bird trying to get it to change hands. The insect didn’t move.
“It just likes me,” she said.
He pushed harder and the bug flew up to Angela’s shoulder. The French man let out a belly laugh and pulled his hand away, causing Sacha to break into a smile. “In a million years I could not have guessed my introduction to Bolivia’s insects. Tell me, Angela, how long did it take you to train your pet?”
The girl leaned her head in toward the bug. “I don’t know. It followed me around and one day I just held out my finger and it landed on it.”
“Remarkable. Absolutely remarkable.” Carolas’ eyes squinted and he raised a fist to his lips. “Do you think you would be willing to donate your little insect to science?”
Angela shook her head no.
“I really didn’t think so. Would I be able to buy it from you?”
“No. It’s not for sale.”
Carolas knew how much low wage workers made in Bolivia. And he had more money available to him than she could imagine. “Angela, what if I offered you five boliviano?”
The amount was more than her parents would see if they sold all of their meat at the market for the day, still the girl wouldn’t budge.
She could not look the man in the face anymore. She shook her head no.
“Twenty, I cannot go any higher.”
Angela reached a finger up to her shoulder and the insect hopped on it. The man was offering more than her family would make in a month. At this point, her parents would have her doing chores for the rest of her life if she turned down the offer. She hesitated.
“Twenty-five,” said Carolas. He retrieved several bills from his wallet and presented them to her. “You’re a shrewd businesswoman.”
She closed her eyes and moved her finger toward the French man.
“Wonderful! Your parents have raised a smart little girl.” He produced his briefcase and opened the lid. “It will be okay in here until I can find it a suitable home.”
The girl nudged the insect into the case and Carolas shut the lid.

Amazon | B&N | Encircle Publications


About C.B. Shanahan:


CB Shanahan earned many awards as a journalist and spent twenty- two years on the road as a folksinger. He has a bachelor’s degree in English Literature with a minor in Philosophy and is a member of Mensa. Born in Ireland, he now lives in New Hampshire with the love of his life, plays music in his spare time, and loves to travel.


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