
Monday, January 14, 2019

Imperius Wrecks (Unholy Trinity, Book 1) by A.E. Williams

Release date: January 9, 2019
Subgenre: Satire, Dystopian fiction

About Imperius Wrecks:


A Satirical Peek at the Future

What does our future hold?

If the recent turmoil in the United States is any indication, the outlook is possibly grim.

This short-story by acclaimed science fiction author and raconteur A.E. Williams explores one possible outcome.

Williams puts his redoubtable wit to the task of describing just what we're up against, from a potential oligarchy, to the devastation of Earth from global warming, surgical nuclear strikes and the sheer ego of one man.

This modern parable of political will drags you kicking and screaming into your worst nightmare - or, perhaps, your ultimate fantasy.

You will be stunned, then shocked, then awestruck at how possible this scenario seems.

A classic speculative fiction tale in the best tradition of "A Canticle For Leibowitz" and "The Man in the High Castle".



Literary Sherpa, LLC
 “We have entered a new age, one where Reason and Truth are victorious over fake news and lies from the Old Left. The old way of doing things is over. The New Way is the way forward. Our future lies in our past. Today, we celebrate the beginning of a New Dawn. This, I can tell you, is going to be the greatest thing in all of history. Ever. I accept your nomination as Emperor of Planet Trump and will work as hard as I ever did to Make Trump Great Again! Thank you!”
Excerpt of acceptance speech of His Royal Emperor, Trump Gaius Ultima, in the year of Our Lord, 2025, Year One of the Reign of HRE.

“The Emperor sits on a ram-adorned throne, a symbol of Mars. His long white beard bearing the symbol of "wisdom". He holds an Ankh scepter in his right hand, and a globe, symbol of domination, in his left. The Emperor sits atop a stark, barren mountain, a sign of "sterility of regulation, and unyielding power."[2] He symbolizes the top of the secular hierarchy, the ultimate male ego. The Emperor is the absolute ruler of the world.” [1]

Sister Magda went about her morning rituals, performing her rites and prayers as she meticulously polished the dials of the instruments on her Station.
She noticed but did not comprehend the indications of the readouts.
A particular dial held what looked like random numbers, but their import was meaningless to her simple mind.
The adjoining label was faded to white, from the constant rubbing of almost two thousand years of careful maintenance.
The incessant friction had left only a small sliver of functioning, luminescent material.
The numbers were faint green.
If Sister Magda could read them, she’d know they represented a date.
But, that date that signified nothing to anyone, anymore.
As she performed her ritual, Sister Magda used as little of the precious Holy Fluid as she could spare.
She and the others of her Order had been repeatedly warned of the necessity of rationing their scant supply.
Demerits had been issued, and several of the Order severely punished for their Transgressions.
The Holy Mother chided them, but even she could not protect them if they were disobedient or incompetent.
She remembered the fierce remonstrations of the Holy Mother, then sighed in recollection of Sister Hillary’s caring visage.
She loved Sister Hillary; her light voice, her merry eyes, her shapely figure.
She knew that such thoughts were impure, and even forbidden, but she kept them secret, and really, what harm in such a small fantasy?
She took her sustenance, as given.
She followed the Holy Rites.
Why couldn’t she be allowed a small indulgence such as this?
Humming quietly and tunelessly, Sister Magda bent to her task, focused intently on perfection of Mind and Spirit.

[1]  Gray, E. (1960). The tarot revealed: A modern guide to reading the tarot cards. New York, N.Y.: Bell Publishing Company.


About A.E. Williams:

A.E. Williams has a unique background of military experience, aerospace engineering and intelligence analysis. 
Born near Pittsburgh, A.E. Williams is man of a mystery. As a young man, Williams served the United States government in various capacities, which he then followed with ten years as an outfitter. Williams finally retired and moved down to rural central Florida, where he ran a medium - sized tilapia farm. He did his writing at night, usually accompanied by a bottle of Maker's Mark bourbon and a large supply of Classic Dr. Pepper and ice.
A.E. Williams is the author of the exciting hard science fiction series Terminal Reset, which is about the effects of a mysterious force from billions of miles away from Earth that was formed millions of years ago. When The Wave strikes, everything changes! 

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