
Showcase Contributors

Cora Buhlert was born and bred in North Germany, where she still lives today – after time spent in London, Singapore, Rotterdam and Mississippi. Cora holds an MA degree in English from the University of Bremen and is currently working towards her PhD. 

Cora has been writing, since she was a teenager, and has published stories, articles and poetry in various international magazines. She is the author of the Silencer series of pulp style thrillers, the Shattered Empire space opera series, the In Love and War science fiction romance series, the Helen Shepherd Mysteries and plenty of standalone stories in multiple genres. Cora Buhlert is a two-time Hugo finalist for Best Fan Writer. When Cora is not writing, she works as a translator and teacher. 
Visit her on the web at or follow her on Twitter under @CoraBuhlert.

Jessica Rydill
 writes fantasy and collects Asian Ball Jointed Dolls, or BJD. Many are based on characters from her books. In her spare time she haunts National Trust properties and visits English parish churches in search of Green Men, Shelagh na Gigs and Misericords, and any traces of mediaeval art or sculpture.
Jessica’s novels inhabit a parallel world known as Mir, where shamans have considerable powers, and magic is a part of everyday life. Steam trains and Norman knights live in the same country, and Goddesses appear in person.

Visit Jessica's web-site at to learn more about Mir, the shamanworld. Updates on her blog or her Facebook author page, or you can follow her on Twitter @razumova.

Past Contributors

Heidi Garrett is the author of the contemporary fairy tale novella collection, Once Upon a Time Today. In these stand-alone retellings of popular and obscure fairy tales, adult characters navigate the deep woods of the modern landscape to find their Happily Ever Afters. She's also the author of the Daughter of Light series, a fantasy about a young half-faerie, half-mortal searching for her place in the Whole.

Heidi was born in Texas, and in an attempt to reside in as many cities in that state as she could, made it to Houston, Lubbock, Austin, and El Paso. She now lives in Eastern Washington state with her husband, their two cats, her laptop, and her Kindle. Being from the South, she often contemplates the magic of snow.


  1. Thank you Cora and Jessica for the head's up that brought several of us from the FB Noiraverse (through Carol McDonnell) to WorldCon this year. I had such a wonderful time (after I nailed down the time zone issues XD) and really look forward to next year. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Penelope,

      I'm glad to hear that you had a great time at Worldcon. And yes, the time zone issue was a problem, though for me the calculations were not too bad, because New Zealand is exactly 10 hours ahead of my time.
